Thursday, March 2, 2017

IN the NEWS - Disney Targets The Children

 Train up a child in the way he should go:
Proverbs 22:6

Told you they have been targeting your children....from Obama's attempt to push transgender bathrooms into the schools to the Boy Scouts being bullied into accepting gay & now transgender scouts to a transgender doll on the market to now Disney's first gay kiss in a CARTOON..

"Disney aired its first-ever gay kissing scene on Monday during a broadcast of its television cartoon “Star vs. the Forces of Evil,”...
The episode included a scene where main character Star and her friend Marco, both 14, attend a boy band concert together. During the song “Just Friends,” couples throughout the audience begin kissing.
But in surveying the cartoon characters, at least one of the twosomes locking lips are boys and another later on appears to be two girls." ChristianNews