Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Creation Moment 3/9/2017 - Eocene lantern fruits from Gondwanan Patagonia

"A recent fossil discovery in Patagonia places a glaring spotlight on this embarrassing clock problem. Extremely rare and delicate fossil remains of tomatillos (Mexican husk tomatoes)—a member of an
economically important group of plants called nightshades that includes potatoes, peppers, tobacco, petunias, and tomatoes—has popped up in rock strata in Argentina alleged to be 52 million years old. For evolution, this early time period is long before the dates previously ascribed to these species of plants by both paleontologists and biologists. Furthermore, the fossil tomatillo fruits look exactly like those growing today, exhibiting no evolution over the alleged eons of time. Because evolutionary biologists have sequenced the genes from many different types of nightshades and come up with many ancient dates and supposed evolutionary relationships, these fossils are particularly disturbing and only serve to highlight the futility of evolutionary dating systems.
 ....when biologists remove the biased evolutionary time calibrations from their molecular clocks, they almost always arrive at dates that correspond with a biblical creation timeframe of 6,000 to 10,000 years. But because bias-free empirical clocks don’t match up with the myth of Darwinian evolution, they are rejected out of hand. The empirical scientific facts support the Bible and not the failed opinions of man." ICR
And God said, Let the earth bring forth ...the herb yielding seed,...
Genesis 1:11