Saturday, March 4, 2017

Creation Moment 3/5/2017 - Indiana moves to allow challenging Evolution

"This week, the Indiana State Senate passed, by a 40-9 vote, a
resolution recognizing the need for academic freedom for teachers when approaching controversial scientific issues.
On evolution, that could include discussing, for example, whether the Galápagos finches provide evidence of macroevolution, or just microevolution. It could mean understanding the strengths and weaknesses of theories of universal common ancestry, by considering the fossil record and studying the Cambrian explosion. Acknowledging the importance of examining the evidence for and against scientific ideas such as evolution is a step forward. Teachers face pressure to teach evolution and other subjects dogmatically. In this resolution, the Indiana Senate calls for freedom for teachers to present evidence objectively. Students will benefit from learning more about evolution and similar subjects, from practicing critical thinking, and engaging in scientific inquiry." EN&V
Thy hands have made me and fashioned me: give me understanding,..
Psalm 119:73