Sunday, March 19, 2017

Creation Moment 3/20/2017 - Monad?

Let them praise the name of the LORD:
 for he commanded, and they were created.

Psalm 148:5
"What is this theory that philosophy instituted and science adopted. Well, it’s the idea that way back in the beginning of things there was only a one-celled organism in the whole world, or a tine monad, as it has been called by some. And this little monad or one-celled organism, without any intelligent design, without any external force applied, over a period of millions of years, simply evolved through a series of spectacular species changes until it turned from a little one-celled thing into an upright

Now really when I say these things, it’s almost with a smile because it’s impossible to even imagine an accidental development of a little one-celled animal into an upright individual with all the complexities of his make-up. Yet this is what evolutionary science has now adopted and which it now teaches as fact.

Now the problem still remains, where did the little monad come from in the beginning? And that’s quite a problem because many scientists don’t want to admit that God had anything to do with creation at all. For a long time scientists believed in spontaneous generation. What is that? Well, they thought that if you put a pile of old rags in a corner and left them there, after a while a chemical reaction would take place and suddenly out of those rags, life would emerge. Now this, friends, was modern science some years ago. This was taught by some of the most learned men in the world, spontaneous generation, life just coming into being out of nothing.

That became a little unscientific because they finally realized that life comes only from life. But not the scientist is in a quandary if he doesn’t believe in the Bible story of creation. I’m sorry to say that some modern scientists are going back to that old theory again. Some of them are actually falling back on this theory of spontaneous generation because they have nothing else to believe in. They have absolutely no other explanation as to how the first little monad came into existence or how it arrived on the scene." DougBatchelor