Tuesday, March 14, 2017

CHRIST's OBJECT LESSONS: Audio & Pull Quotes- Chapter 15

This Man Receiveth Sinners  


In the parable the shepherd goes out to search for one sheep--the very least that can be numbered. So if there had been but one lost soul, Christ would have died for that one. The sheep that has strayed from the fold is the most helpless of all creatures.

By the lost sheep Christ represents not only the individual sinner but the one world that has apostatized and has been ruined by sin. This world is but an atom in the vast dominions over which God presides, yet this little fallen world--the one lost sheep--is more precious in His sight than are the ninety and nine that went not astray from the fold.

The sheep wandered away from the fold; The piece of silver was lost in the house. The coin, though lying among dust and rubbish, is a piece of silver still. Its owner seeks it because it is of value. So every soul, however degraded by sin, is in God's sight accounted precious. The value of a soul, who can estimate?

Men may deny the claim of His love, they may wander from Him, they may choose another master; yet they are God's, and He longs to recover His own.These souls whom you despise, said Jesus, are the property of God. By creation and by redemption they are His, and they are of value in His sight.  He says, As a shepherd seeketh out his flock in the day that he is among his sheep that are scattered; so will I seek out My sheep, and will deliver them out of all places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day. Ezekiel 34:12