Sunday, February 12, 2017


Not Judging but Doing


Christ does not drive but draws men unto Him.
You must be good before you can do good. You cannot exert an influence that will transform others until your own heart has been humbled and refined and made tender by the grace of Christ.
Not all who profess His name and wear His badge are Christ's.

Christ, the true foundation, is a living stone; We build on Christ by obeying His word. It is through action that character is built.

The effort to earn salvation by one's own works inevitably leads men to pile up human exactions as a barrier against sin. For, seeing that they fail to keep the law, they will devise rules and regulations of their own to force themselves to obey. All this turns the mind away from God to self. His love dies out of the heart, and with it perishes love for his fellow men. But the difficulty lies with the individual members of the church, and it is here that the cure must be wrought. Jesus bids the accuser first cast the beam out of his own eye, renounce his censorious spirit, confess and forsake his own sin, before trying to correct others.

 When the religious experience is devoid of love, Jesus is not there; the sunshine of His presence is not there.

But the Savior never passed by one soul, however sunken in sin, who was willing to receive the precious truths of heaven. To publicans and harlots His words were the beginning of a new life. Mary Magdalene, out of whom He cast seven devils, was the last at the Savior's tomb and the first whom He greeted in the morning of His resurrection.

The Christian life is a battle and a march. But the victory to be gained is not won by human power. The field of conflict is the domain of the heart. The battle which we have to fight--the greatest battle that was ever fought by man--is the surrender of self to the will of God, the yielding of the heart to the sovereignty of love.

Acquaint now thyself with Him, and be at peace. Job 22:21