Saturday, February 25, 2017

The Coming Wrath

The wrath to come.
  Matthew 3:7
"It is pleasant to pass over a country after a storm has spent itself;
to smell the freshness of the herbs after the rain has passed away,
and to note the drops while they glisten like purest diamonds in the sunlight.
That is the position of a Christian.
He is going through a land where the storm has spent itself upon His Savior's head,
and if there be a few drops of sorrow falling,
they distil from clouds of mercy.
How terrible to await the dread advance of a hurricane-such as occurs, sometimes,
in the tropics-to wait in terrible apprehension till the wind shall rush forth in fury,
tearing up trees from their roots, forcing rocks from their pedestals,
and hurling down all the dwelling-places of man!
And yet, sinner, this is your present position.
No hot drops have as yet fallen, but a shower of fire is coming.
Where, where, where, O sinner, wilt thou hide thy head, or whither wilt thou flee?
O that the hand of mercy may now lead you to Christ!
He is freely set before you in the gospel:
His riven side is the rock of shelter."
Charles Spurgeon