Friday, February 17, 2017

SDA Issues - A Warning in Luke

But and if that servant say in his heart,
*My lord delayeth his coming;
*and shall begin to beat the menservants and maidens,
*and to eat and drink, and to be drunken;
Luke 12:45
* How many SDA's do you hear these days who WHINE about our prophetic interpretation for the end times, saying that "we have been saying the end is near since the 1800's. Where is He at? Preach something else."
* How many SDA leaders do you hear these days trying to keep end time prophecy, 3 Angel's
Message or the Sanctuary Doctrine be downplayed or ignored? How many times have you heard we are not to focus on the "mathematics of the Sanctuary Doctrine" or the "mathematics of the end times", but rather just on "Grace"? Or those who complain about those "beasts" in Daniel and Revelation should be left out because they are "scary" or a turn off to people these days?
* Any preachers of truth banned or punished for preaching truth these days? (I'm thinking Doug Batchelor when he was censored in California for holding to the Biblical, official church position in opposition to women's ordination, or when the Florida conference banned him, or when some European conferences banned Walter Veith for preaching truth, etc.)
* Ecumenical??? Eating & Drinking with those of the world & in Babylon, mimicking their ways.
"Drunken".....there are 2 types of spiritual drunkenness in Scripture:
1) Drunken with the Blood of the Saints
2) Drunken with the wine of Babylon
Obviously here it would be a reference to those in the church drunken by imbibing on the wine of Babylon