Tuesday, February 7, 2017

SDA Issues - Response to Potter

"Recently in a Spectrum online article, David Potter adds his voice to a growing number of high
profile leaders who are trying to change the tide of opinion about homosexuality and normalize its acceptance among the Adventist community. 
We know that Spectrum is often used to undermine our biblical doctrines....no news there.....but when a tithe-sponsored institution like Avondale employs those who flaunt their apostate views for all to see, we wonder why there is no repercussions?  There was for Desmond Ford.
We contacted David and asked him how he can be employed by the church and yet espouse such views.  Part of his response is here: 
I am unimpressed by demands that I yield my conscience to “the church.”  This is the Catholic position, a position we have traditionally resisted.  I pray to God we will never yield to this heresy.  Two voices impress me: Scripture and the Holy Spirit—not necessarily in this order.  As a believer, I am committed to taking both very seriously.  You keep banging on about how the Bible is anti-gay.  And I keep trying to help you to see that this is an interpretation--one that I believe to be erroneous. 
Despite Potter's insistence that he is following God, his views are plainly against the church fundamentals on marriage and homosexuality." F7
Here is what Mr. Potter posted in Spectrum in 2009 in response to a Sermon at Andrews that opposed homosexuality:
"Last Sabbath I was away preaching when Elaine watched your sermon on homosexuals in the church. [Sex in the Temple: What’s So Gay about That?] It’s the first time she’s been disappointed by your message. She was saddened by your explanation that homosexual believers must remain celibate in order to be true to their Christian calling. She couldn’t help thinking of the hundreds of thousands of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered and intersexed (GLBTI) Adventists you would deny the joy and intimacy of a committed relationship and doom to lonely lives and the statistical likelihood of an early grave. But her response is not simply emotional. This is an issue we have both taken an interest in and looked into.
We have a question for you: Are you absolutely sure that all homosexuality (i.e. the acts) is sin?"

Let Paul give the RESPONSE to Mr. POTTER:For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections:
for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women
and were inflamed with lust for one another.
Men committed shameful acts with other men,
Romans 1:26,27
Mr. Potter, how do you "interpret" that?