Monday, February 27, 2017

SDA Issues - Itching Ears of CrossWalk?

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine;
but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
2 Timothy 4:3
{P.S.-At the bottom of the page will be comments from the late C.D. Brooks on this subject}
CrossWalk "SDA" Church (headed by pastor Tim Gillespie) in Redlands, California claims to be an
"innovative" church within Adventism...Let's hope this IS NOT the wave of the future for our Church...Tim Gillespie will be a speaker at the gathering of One Project (sort of an Adventist version of the Emergent Church targeting youth).
CrossWalk is an Adventist Church? What is happening to Adventism? How has this crept into the open? No wonder the self proclaimed progressives despise the S.O.P., downplay doctrine and read Spectrum...just saying, but wow!...I'm starting not to recognize Adventism anymore....Check out their pics is this Adventist? Where is the REVERENCE for God?
Is CrossWalk just a Joel Osteen type of fluff/cheap grace church but with a hipper emergent church image in style focused on self esteem feel goodism blended with replacing the Biblical gospel with the social gospel?...just asking....

From their website.....

Are they selling coffee in the church lot ?
"When you walk into one of our two buildings (CrossWalk North-Study, Or CrossWalk South-Worship) you will be warmly greeted, giving the attention and/or space you are looking for, and directed to a place where you can connect with others."
(going to church isn't supposed to be about your desire for "attention" or "space")
"We now offer 2 services: 10am and 11:30am. Come early and hang out in our CrossWalk Cafe, drop off your kids, and enjoy uninterrupted church. Pick your kids up, and you are done by 11:15am!"
(You go to church to "hang out" in a "café"? Really???)

What is Adventist about this?
It's all focused on "me, me, me-ism"...

This is an Adventist service these days?

Like the late C.D. Brooks preached "I want my Church back."
 Here are some excerpts from C.D. Brooks Famous applicable
"We are now facing an unusual time in which those on the inside of our church are questioning our distinctive teachings and doctrines more than those who despise us. Many of us are walking away
from the mandate that God gave to us.
A brilliant professional friend of mine called me long distance. In an almost desperate tone, he said, "Charles, I want my church back!"
We must preach our message. All of it! There are forces that seem to be dismantling what was so laboriously put together under the indispensable aid of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Spirit is not one to foster confusion, and He does not divide the saints. He may bring separation from the mixed multitude, but not from the saints.
 Amongst us there are those who appear to be tired of our message, bored with it. There is a swelling cry for something different, unique. Some are saying, "We want a modern message designed for young people." That does n’ot go along with the awesome prophecy of Malachi 4, for when the Elijah message comes, just before the great and dreadful day of the Lord, the Bible says the hearts of the fathers and the children will be turned together. We are not to be divided by age and generation.

My beloved fellow workers, loose liberalism does not accomplish what we think it will accomplish.
A young woman who had always been friendly came to church loaded down with jewelry. When I approached her, ready to speak, she wouldn'’t even look at me. She avoided me. She couldn’'t be friendly as usual. No wonder our churches are turning cold! It'’s because our members remain guilt-ridden and insecure and not sure of what they really stand for. They hear about easy divorce, about moral falls even in the ministry, Sabbaths on the golf course, or on the bicycle trail, or at the beach, theater-going, attacks on Ellen G. White. What’s' happening amongst us?....our members wonder, "What’s happening to us? Is the Holy Ghost still with us?" Many who feel a lack of the Spirit are trying to compensate with a shaking, rocking, rollicking religion. They want to feel good. But that good feeling will replace their faith and it will be wiped out in a crisis.
Some among us are questioning things that have been worked out by the Holy Ghost in human history and in my life’'s history and yours. There will always be some excess baggage. But don’t throw everything away. The Apostle said, "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good". Instead, many are trying to satisfy themselves rather than pray and study. They want to reason things out with unsanctified minds. They’'re starting from the wrong position and will never arrive at spiritual fulfillment, but rather at compounded delusions. For spiritual things are spiritually discerned.
When they worshiped the golden calf, God was about to move with vengeance and wrath. Moses stood between Him and the people. God didn'’t say, "What they’re doing is all right." No, indeed. He told the people to take off their jewelry. "Take it off," He said, "that I may know what to do unto you." Then, the Bible says, they "stripped themselves of their ornaments by the mount Horeb".
I’m saying with my friend, "I want my church back."
Now I’m going to read to you what Ellen White says:
Selected Messages, book 2, p. 36: "The Lord—"
[Audience:] "The Lord."
"The Lord has shown me what would take place just before the close of probation. Every uncouth thing will be demonstrated. There will be shouting, with drums, music, and dancing. The senses of r
ational beings will become so confused that they cannot be trusted to make right decisions. And this is called the moving of the Holy Spirit."
In the very next line she says, "The Holy Spirit never reveals itself in such methods, in such a bedlam of noise."
I don’t believe the drum is a bigger sinner than the trumpet or the psaltery or the harp. It’'s what we do with it! So Satan had a huddle, and he said to his imps, "Let’s develop ‘crossover.’"
Why would a saint want to crossover?
"Let’s develop crossover!" said the devil. "Let’s blend some of ours with some of theirs."
Fifty-four years ago I joined this church. I’ve been somewhat educated, illuminated, experienced. I'’m getting ready to retire. But I want to tell you, nothing’s changed. We’'ve matured, and we’'ve been enlightened. People are meaner, more immoral. But nothing’s changed. God'’s law is still a transcript of His character. It’'s too high for us, so He gave us a ladder called grace that we might climb up.
The sanctuary is still in heaven. It isn'’t going anywhere just because some say it doesn'’t really exist. Judgment is still going on. God still hates pride. Dead folk are still dead. Christ is still our only Savior. None but the righteous shall see God. We’'ve got to be without spot or wrinkle or any such thing. We’'ve got to be covered with His righteousness alone. He still sends the Holy Ghost. And He is still seeking the lost. He is still saving sinners. And it is possible to delight ourselves in the Lord and the truth. Our message is still valid.
Brethren, this truth will win souls. You don'’t need to play games and fool people. This truth, with its dignity and power, this truth attended by the Holy Ghost will win souls of the best kind.
I want my church back! "