Monday, February 6, 2017

SDA Issues - Eco-Amorites Enter SDA Church [Babylon & Berkely]

They traded the truth about God for a lie.
So they worshiped and served the things God
created instead of the Creator himself,..
Romans 1:25NLT

"The Salvation Army, which used to stand for reinforcing righteousness and biblical benevolence is rapidly morphing into a mouthpiece for the cause of Global Warming.  In their recent call for “Climate Justice” they recommend “Keeping the Sabbath” as an act of environmental stewardship.  Listen.
It could be the most radical thing a church can do for environmental stewardship—to commit to keeping the Sabbath.  The scriptures make constant reference to rest and care for the land as well as for people on the Sabbath.  Spending time with family and friends and enjoying the free outdoors is an act of resistance to the pressures of materialism and consumerism.
This statement by the Salvation Army is industrial-strength word revisionism.  In it, the true Sabbath is being kicked to the curb by the now-dominant left boot of the Salvation Army.  Did you catch the combination of liberal emphases coupled to twisted Scripture?  Yeah, that's pretty common these days.  It is essentially a mixture of Babylon and Berkeley aiming to control how we live.  Incidentally, they don’t mean the Bible Sabbath at all!  They mean we should all begin keeping Sunday in order to “save” the planet.  Here’s their statement:
In its recognition of Sunday as the Sabbath, The Salvation Army aligns itself with the custom of the Early Christian Church, which chose that day on which to commemorate and celebrate Christ’s resurrection.

  The green movement is a bubbling stew of confusion out of which leftist souls emerge to cry out for auto-developed eco-justice.  It’s also (according to Nobel laureate Ivar Giaever) an intricate financial scheme in which the perpetrators fill their wallets with innocent greenbacks harvested from an unsuspecting populace.  And churches—encouraged to green their messages on the altar of political correctness—have become increasingly political and decreasingly correct.  Unfortunately, some of our own  are joining this green bandwagon.  Unfortunate--because words—and truth—still matter to God.

Words matter when the Review Magazine published a series of pro-environmentalist, pro-global-warming articles in January of 2016.  There was not one counterpoint article among them.  Not one.  
Words matter when The Review published an October 2015 article suggesting that “thoughtful” Adventists should align themselves with Pope Francis’ passion for Climate ChangeHuh?
Truth matters when Horley Gatwick Adventist church in London conducted a Green Sabbath to get church members focused on the environment on March 31, 2012.  It was part of a Green Sabbath Adventist program across the British Isles, and many churches “got involved and fully embraced the green.”  In the throes of green excitement, Pastor Colin Stewart said he hopes this is the start of many more green worship celebrations.  I can almost hear the joyful refrain “How Green Thou Art . . . .”

Adventists of all people should see this green deception for what it is, and reclaim the sacred memorial of creation from these green occupiers of the true sanctuary.  We must clean away the filth left by these eco-Amorites,..liberal Protestantism has largely embraced the political-left agenda as its central message.  They are much more interested in “saving the planet” with multicultural rhetoric than saving souls with the gospel.  The Adventist church’s main message therefore, must be the Everlasting Gospel accompanied by the biblical warning of His soon Return.  Our task is the saving of souls, not saving the planet. 

 I wrote this article to inform you of the green groundswell (greenswell) taking shape on the eschatological horizon.  This green wave has all the major players surfing on it,
*the Pope, the schizophrenic Lamb-like beast,
*apostate Protestantism,
*and global geopolitical soft-law Climate Treaties (which are soon to become hard law). 

And what about the secular huddled masses?  They have that covered too.  Last year the Green Sabbath movement formed with these words:
Green Sabbath is a non-religious, non-political, non-profit campaign which aims to raise awareness, to encourage people to do their part in slowing down climate change, to preserve precious natural resources and improve planet health by observing at least one carbon footprint-free day each week--on any day of the week. We call it, symbolically, A Green Sabbath day. It's a solution that will have a profound impact on climate change for little to no capital investment! Once A Week can result in over 15% annual emission reduction per country. Participation by only top carbon dioxide emitting countries will have the largest impact in climate change!
“Each one of us is a cause of global warming, but each of us can become part of the solution…” [Al Gore]

 Betrayed Christians are lured into this powerful new movement by twisting a couple Scriptures and tying them up with false guilt.  Sunday becomes the new Green Sabbath for these folk.  Secular people are captured by creating a green Sabbath day of their choice.  Any day of the week will do.  Don’t want a Savior on a cross?You can be your own green savior by saving the planet."