Friday, February 10, 2017

SDA History: 1st Spanish Literature: 1893

And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven,
having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth,
 and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,
Revelation 14:6
"The first impulse to translate Adventist books into Spanish for the mission work in South America came from the European book
committee. The first book published in Spanish was Patriarcas y profetas (Patriarchs and Prophets) by E. G. White in the year 1893. In the same year a group of missionaries arrived in Mexico and helped in the establishing of a medical mission and a school. In 1896 the first Adventist magazine in Spanish, El amigo de la verdad (The Friend of the Truth) with Dan T. Jones (1855-1901) as an editor, began to be published there. Articles by Ellen White and others started to follow soon. Other book projects were planned.
In 1897, G. W. Caviness (1825-1923) joined that group, after having worked as an SDA representative in an interdenominational committee to revise the Spanish translation of the Bible in Mexico City. After Jones' death in 1901 he became the next editor of El amigo de la verdad, and he worked  25 years in Mexico, translating also books and periodicals for the Spanish field." MemoryMeaning&Faith