Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Picturing the SCENE - then asking...

 "....to understand why God the Father turned away from His Son on the cross.

Angels were not permitted to minister to Him.

Jesus had to be treated as though He were guilty of every terrible sin which has ever been committed.

Under the weight of that condemnation and guilt, He sweat great drops of blood and fell fainting to the ground in the Garden.

On Golgotha's Hill, shut off from the approving presence of His Father, He cried in torment, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" Matthew 27:46.
The High Cost Of The Cross/JoeCrews

Q: ..."What if your probation should close at this time?
How would you bear the investigation of the Master?
How have you employed the talents of means and influence lent you of God for wise improvement to His glory?

God has given you life and its blessings, not to be devoted to your own pleasure and selfish gratification merely, but that you may benefit others and do good. The Master has entrusted you with talents that you should put out to the exchangers, that when He requires them again He may receive His own with usury.
Your influence and means have been given you to test you, to reveal what is in your heart; Every day that you devote to serving yourself, and to pleasing your friends by yielding to their influence in loving the world and neglecting your best Friend, who died to give you life, you are losing much."
Testimonies For The Church vol.4,p.105 E.G.W.