Monday, February 27, 2017

Papal Notes - That Road...

"During the first-ever visit by a pope to an Anglican church in Rome, Francis pointed to the spiritual attitude of humility necessary for Christian unity, and made clear that ecumenism "cannot be done in a laboratory -- it has to be done on the road."
Citing joint prayer services and the many forms of service Catholics and Anglicans do together, the pope gave thanks that “among Christians the desire has grown for greater closeness.”
Francis’s visit also marked the official twinning of All Saints with the Catholic parish of Ognissanti (which also means ‘All Saints’), the titular church of German Cardinal Walter Kasper, former president of the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Christian Unity and a theologian Francis highly esteems.
This ecumenical path through service is something he spoke about again in the “off-the-cuff” segment of the visit.
Francis’s approach, which is centered in “walking and collaborating” together towards Christian unity.
He cited another example of an invitation he had received from an ecumenical delegation of bishops from South Sudan. An Anglican, a Catholic bishops and a Presbyterian leader jointly asked him to
visit the country together with the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby.
Francis said it was still unclear if the trip would be possible because of the current situation. But if it does happen, the gesture would be meant as a sign of unity in a country that is currently divided by an ethnic war that has led to the world’s first famine in six years." CRUX
.....and all the world wondered after the beast.
Revelation 13:3