Saturday, February 18, 2017

On the Streets of Babylon: "Trick" or "Truth" CharismaticWeen

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,...  Come out of her, my people,
Revelation 14:8/18:4

There seems to be this "Trick or Truth" thing sewing seeds of CharismaticWeen on the Streets of Babylon...

"30 years ago nobody would’ve given this question much thought because it was easy to answer. People either liked Benny Hinn or thought he was crazy. People thought Kathryn Kuhlman was a great woman of God or a dramatic fraud. People were largely conservative, or charismatic. They either spoke in tongues that made no sense or viewed the practice as foolish and unbiblical.

It wasn’t a perfect Christian world, but at least there was some clarity.
Nowadays, it seems that people are down right confused or just uninformed, which means that a generation of millennials is heading for an even foggier future. Some people call themselves open but cautious when it comes to signs and wonders, while others called themselves Reformed Charismatics. Our favorite bible teachers are sharing stages with charlatans. Millions of Charismatic Catholics are now muddying the waters of evangelicalism, and whoever thought the day would come when we would have Charismatic Calvinists? 
 Still others say they listen to John MacArthur for solid Bible teaching, but still, go to Benny Hinn crusades to get the “anointing.”
In the name of ill-advised tolerance, and because of the wide variety of charismatic entry points, total confusion has taken the place of clarity, and “doctrine” has become a four-letter word.
John Wesley said it best, “What one generation will tolerate, the next generation will embrace.”
What history tells us is that over past 100 years our world has become more enamored with tricks than truth. Churches are finding out that their people are biblically illiterate, pastors are ordained because they’re good at entertaining the crowd, and the masses flock to the well-marketed mainstream conferences even if a heretic dawns the platform." Pulpit&Pen