Thursday, February 16, 2017

On the Streets of Babylon: God in their Gay Bars?

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,...  Come out of her, my people,
Revelation 14:8/18:4

There seems to be some on the Streets of Babylon who think God can be found in the "Gay Bars"...

"The way these liberal thinking “Christians” want to redefine “church” is to make it centered around man and to move God to the spot closest to the exit (in some “churches” God has already been shown the exit, shoved unceremoniously out the door). The article, I Found God in a Gay Bar, by Steve Austin on the Huffington Post is another attempt to redefine the word “church” and it appears his
definition is any place that any group of people feels free to be themselves with others of like minds who celebrate their chosen lifestyle–his happens to be the homosexual lifestyle.
According to Steve Austin’s definition of the word church, all that matters is that a person feels “free to be me,” so to speak, without fear of judgment or discrimination. The example he gives in the blog post is a party he attended at a gay bar that he was invited to by a gay friend. He talks about how free all the people were to be silly and dance and drink and laugh and just have a grand old time. He equated this feeling of euphoria as what church is all about: a place of acceptance no matter who you are or what sin you engage in.
Austin did not find God in that gay bar. He found a god but not the God of the Bible. All he found was a bunch of people who choose a homosexual lifestyle who were having a great time drinking, dancing, laughing and eventually fornicating. He could’ve found the same experience in the heterosexual nightclub down the street. He found people who are a god unto themselves.
Austin’s big line in the articles is “Love is just love”. The only way that is true in the setting that he describes is that these people love their sin and rejoice with those who likewise sin with them. This is not the love of God and the presence of God was not there in any sense, as John writes:
This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth."1 John 1:5,6" Pulpit&Pen