Friday, February 3, 2017

On the Streets of Babylon: a "Fox" & "Kidd" Loose

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,...  Come out of her, my people,
Revelation 14:8/18:4
There's a "Fox" & "Kidd" loose on the Streets of Babylon...careful out there...

"Episcopal priest and New Age leader Matthew Fox explains what he calls “deep ecumenism”:
Without mysticism there will be no “deep ecumenism,” no unleashing of the power of wisdom from all the world’s religious traditions. Without this I am convinced there will never be global peace or justice since the human race needs spiritual depths and disciplines, celebrations and rituals, to awaken its better selves. The promise of ecumenism, the coming together of religions, has been thwarted because world religions have not been relating at the level of mysticism.

Fox believes that all world religions will eventually be bound together by the “Cosmic Christ” principle, which is another term for the higher self.

As incredible as this may sound, it appears to be happening now. The New Age is embedded in American religious culture far deeper and broader than many people imagine. If your concept of the New Age is simply astrology, tarot cards, or reincarnation, then you could easily miss the real New Age as it pulses through the religious current. If mystical prayer continues its advance, then we could one day see, perhaps sooner than we expect, many Christian churches becoming conduits of New Age thought to their membership.

Sue Monk Kidd is a best selling novel writer. Her book, The Secret Life of Bees has sold over four
million copies, mainly to women. At one time a Southern Baptist Sunday school teacher, she became attracted to centering prayer as a way to know God more deeply. Today, she is the Writer in Residence of the Sophia Institute, which is devoted to “foster[ing] the emergence of the sacred feminine” (i.e., the Divine feminine).
Monk Kidd now adheres to what New Agers teach, that this mystical force (called God or Divinity) is in all things, nothing excluded:
Deity means that divinity will no longer be only heavenly … It will also be right here, right now, in me, in the earth, in this river, in excrement and roses alike.

 It is because New Agers believe God is not a being but Being itself. In other words, there is nothing that is not God. This is the decision that the world is now facing–is God a personal being or is God the Universe and all that it entails?" LighthouseTrails