Friday, February 17, 2017

On The Streets of Babylon: Astrology

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,...  Come out of her, my people,
Revelation 14:8/18:4

There are some on the Streets of Babylon dabbling in "Astrology"...

"Charisma Mag has released an article explaining what the constellation Aquarius has to say about Pentecost and the End Times. The article was written by Ron Allen, who is the founder of the International Star Bible Society, an entire self-proclaimed ministry that is dedicated to Astrology,
and the Emancipation Network, a network dedicated to the spread the Prosperity Gospel by claiming that faith is the key to living a “successful life”. Allen claims in this article,
Aquarius is the sixth chapter of the star Bible, a picture of a man pouring out an urn of water. Aquarius comes after the constellation Capricorn (the goat) which pictures the sacrificial death and resurrection of Christ. After his resurrection, Christ told his followers to wait for him in Jerusalem to receive the Holy Spirit. Aquarius shows the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, often represented by water, that began on Pentecost in Jerusalem. This is the real Age of Aquarius.”
There is no Biblical basis for any of these claims. Not a single text of Scripture indicates that these constellations have anything to do with the events recorded in the Gospels and Acts. However, Allen continues to explain a connection between the stars and the End Times by saying,
As we look forward to the return of Christ, we also note that Aquarius moves into the spring season when all four seasonal signs change in 2121 A.D. We are reminded that the church age, represented by the current occupant of the spring equinox, Pisces (the fish), will end when Christ returns, and we will worship God in Jerusalem as the water of Aquarius pours out of the temple.”
There is equally as little of a Biblical basis for a connection to these constellations and the return of Jesus. The Bible explicitly forbids the practices of Omen Interpretation and Divination in Deuteronomy 18:10-14." Pulpit&Pen