Tuesday, February 14, 2017

IN the NEWS - St. Rhoda of Canton?

In the below story is a movement to eventually grant "sainthood" to Rhoda of Canton,
Either she was a total FRAUD...OR....this story is really creepy...
1) When "thousands" in her yard would see the "light" in her window--either she was easily generating it, or it is really creepy if she didn't since it wouldn't be from God but rather His opponent.
2) Her so-called stigmata, much harder in a hospital with real doctors to fool, but not impossible. If not a hoax, then again really creepy since it would be the opponent of God causing it.
3) As for the miracles of the petals, again, an elaborate hoax (but where and from whom would she get the money in her scenario to create such a "gift" to give away?). If not a hoax...again, the creepy factor for the same reason as previously stated in 1 & 2.
4) As for weeping statues & "cures", the same applies as in 1,2&3 above.
5) To our Catholic friends--do you not see in this nonsense that a) you are being played -OR- b) you are dabbling with the mysticism of the occult from the other side?
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities,
against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world,
against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Ephesians 6:12
"Rhoda Greer was born February 22, 1888 in Southern Ohio and grew up in Wheeling, West Virginia. 
In 1915 she married a man and moved to Canton, Ohio.  Soon after, he died tragically from a cerebral hemorrhage and in 1917 she
married George Wise.
They adopted 2 girls. Their first daughter Ruth died during the Spanish Flu Pandemic. 
According to Rhoda, “When Jesus appeared to me on Wednesday, April 3 ,1940 at 2:40 A.M. he stayed about 10 minutes. He said, ‘You must write this down.'
About 15 of Rhoda’s friends camped outside of the home on the anniversary of the first alleged visit from Jesus.
Once again around 3 A.M., they all reported suddenly seeing a brilliant light appear, illuminating from the small rickety window. 
Knowing that the house only had minimal electricity, and lacked the technology to create such a light, they all prayed, and dropped down to the ground lying prostrate before the Lord.
The next year thousands of people waited outside of the house and all reported seeing the “glorious” light once again appear.
Many believers who visited Rhoda's home brought rose petals for Jesus and St.Therese to bless.
After returning to their homes, many received a unique unexplainable gift. Some of the petals had an image that appears to look like St.Therese.
After being healed Rhoda said that she prayed to God and offered her own body as a sacrifice so that others might also be cured. She said, soon red marks  began to appear on her hands, feet and head.
Then the marks would bleed profusely on every first Friday of the month, from Noon until 3 P.M.; the hours Christians believe Jesus suffered on the cross. The condition is called Stigmata;

75 years after Rhoda's spiritual journey began, believers continue to tell stories of hope and healing after visiting the Canton, Ohio home.
Miraculous events have occurred.. From weeping statues to unexplainable cures have been documented in a book and DVD which are now being reviewed along with all the evidence by the Diocese of Youngstown. They're considering whether Rhoda should be considered a "Servant of God" which is the first step of canonization. FOX8