Tuesday, February 21, 2017

IN the NEWS - Green Bridge as Unifier?

We have repeatedly been saying that the Mark of the Beast will likely be tainted GREEN... an olive branch if you will to get the non-Christian world to go along as a day to let the earth rest..one side to appease Father God & the other to appease mother earth...here we have supposed "Christians" plotting with the GREEN RELIGION to replace the Gospel...sort of a GREEN BRIDGE between both sides as a unifier....

"After sessions on gravitational waves, nuclear forensics and artificial intelligence, one of the world’s largest general science conferences invited attendees to hear from an Episcopal priest.
The Rev. Fletcher Harper preached on climate change, and how to get a vast segment of the world’s population to pay better attention to what scientists know but many
doubt: that the problem is worsening and portends disaster.
My entreaty for scientists it to be able to speak publicly about why you care,” said Harper, executive director of GreenFaith, an interfaith nonprofit that aims to galvanize religious people to safeguard the environment.
“It’s vital not to soft-pedal the dangers that we face . . . a great deal is at stake.”
At a time of the week when many Americans are in church, Harper and the academics on a panel about “leveraging religious support for climate policy” Sunday (Feb. 19), explained why and how scientists should pursue religious people as allies.
Since three-quarters of Americans and an even larger percentage of the global population belong to a religious group, and since religion is how so many understand their world, it’s incumbent upon scientists to describe the sobering and difficult problem of climate change in religious terms, she said.
She called it “connecting our heads to our hearts.”
Invoke the environment as a gift — the religious response to a gift is gratitude, but also responsibility, said Harper.
Then, he said, talk about the world as “out of balance.”
That kind of metaphor is most familiar to people who are practitioners of the Dharmic traditions (such as Hinduism and Buddhism), but it also resonates very consistently through Muslim teachings and writings and it resonates certainly for Christians and Jews.” RNS
I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that
 called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:
Galatians 1:6