Thursday, February 2, 2017

IN the NEWS - The Devil Comes Out

Ye are of your father the devil,
and the lusts of your father ye will do.
He was a murderer from the beginning,
John 8:44
"The 25-year-old Daniel E. was sentenced to life in prison by a court in Freiburg on Monday for killing his Christian student flatmate last August in a crime ruled to be motivated by hate and disdain.
The 31-year-old victim from Paderborn had first met her killer when she moved into a student
flatshare last summer. The young woman was an active member of her parish who wanted to later work for the church.
But Daniel E. vehemently rejected any form of religion, and twice before killing her had tried to start a fight, he told police.
On the day of the murder - just ten days after moving in together - he stormed into her room and asked her what her stance was on same-sex marriage. When she said that she rejected this kind of marriage, he stabbed her while she sat on her bed, with a knife hidden in his trouser pocket.
State prosecutors argued that she had no chance against her sole flatmate. She tried to flee via the stairwell, but there he stabbed her in the back several times and she died at the scene. The court determined that he had deliberately planned the attack on his roommate.
Daniel E., from Baden-Württemberg, was clear from the start of the police investigation about his motivation: his hatred of all religion.
He had written about his hatred of religion days beforehand in a “manifesto” found on his computer, along with violent video games and films." DPA/GermanNewsInEnglish