Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Glait on the Sabbath

For whosoever shall keep the whole law,
and yet offend in one point,
he is guilty of all.
James 2:10
"Oswald Glait, about 1529, became the first to point out that the true Sabbath was the "seventh" day. Glait pointed out that the moral law of the Decalogue was as binding on Christians under the new covenant as it had been in the Old. "Either the Sabbath must be kept," he argued, "or all the other nine commandments must also be rejected."
He maintained that the ceremonial law was the shadow that passed away, but God's moral law stands firm. "Sunday," he said, "is the pope's invention," and the abrogation of the Sabbath is none other than "the devil's work." BAT

"Oswald Glait (1490 – 1546) was a German Anabaptist and Sabbatarian. Originally a follower of Balthasar Hubmaier, in 1527 in the Nikolsburg dispute he sided with the pacifist position of Hans Hut. He then appears in Silesia, along with Andreas Fischer, as a leader of an Anabaptist group there. He penned a booklet, Vom Sabbat, advocating the (re)institution of Saturday/Sabbath keeping as a Christian practice, thus restoring what Glaidt argued had been the original practice of the Apostolic church of the New Testament. There is also good evidence in this writing that Glait strongly believed that Christ's Second Coming was to occur in the very near future (this shows the extent of Hans Hut's influence on Glaidt at this time). Glait appears later in the sources attached to the nascent Hutterite group in Moravia. He was arrested and imprisoned in Vienna in 1545, then taken out at night and drowned in autumn 1546." wikipedia