Sunday, February 19, 2017

Creation Moment 2/20/2017 - Darwinism Erodes Romantic Love

My beloved spake, and said unto me, Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away.
Song of Slomon 2:10
"Jonathan Witt's observation over at The Stream. From Darwinian materialism, he notes, a denial of the reality of love must follow:
Evolutionist Daniel Dennett called Darwinism a "universal acid" that "eats through just about every traditional concept ... dissolving the illusion of our own authorship, our own divine spark of creativity and understanding."
Dissolve those things and there's no room for romantic love to be anything very exalted.
Biologist E.O. Wilson is just as blunt. When Darwinian science conquers all, we will view the human brain as just the "product of genetic evolution by natural selection." And the mind "will be more precisely explained as an epiphenomenon of the neuronal machinery of the brain."
But surely we can rescue things like art, religion and poetry, right? No, Wilson insists. Evolution teaches us that all of it was "produced by the genetic evolution of our nervous and sensory tissues."
Evolving Away Love
So what becomes of all of those romantic longings and pledges to love, honor and protect, maybe even till death do us part? Yes, glands and instincts are involved. Only a gnostic would deny that, and Christianity threw Gnosticism out on its ear at the Resurrection.
But Darwinian science goes further. It insists the stuff of love is all glands and instincts, and beneath those, all brain chemistry -- a soulless concoction of matter and energy stirred up in the alchemist's lab we call evolution." EN&V