Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Creation Moment 2/1/2017 - Fern downs evolutionary long ages

"Fossils from the plant group known as royal ferns (Osmundaceae) have long been known to look much the same as today’s—despite being reckoned to be over ‘200 million years old’. Evolutionists would, nonetheless, have expected considerable chromosomal and genetic changes in such vast periods of time. It is common, for instance, for plants to multiply their chromosomal count
(polyploidy), which can mean they still look much the same (apart from often being larger).
A report in Science magazine notes that the stem of one of these ‘ancient’ fossil ferns has been found to be amazingly “exquisitely preserved."
In fact, it still shows details of “cytoplasm, cytosol granules, nuclei and even chromosomes in various stages of cell division.” The structure of the latter in particular could be matched to chromosomes of the same fern group alive today.
From this, the researchers conclude that both this fossil fern and its living counterparts “likely share the same chromosome count and DNA content…[which suggests] that neither ploidization events nor notable amounts of gene loss have occurred in the royal ferns” in the intervening time period, alleged to be 180 million years (!)." CMI
 For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.
1 Corinthians 3:19