Friday, February 3, 2017

18 Characteristics of Apostasy {*Book of Jude*}

"....the characteristics of the Apostates that Jude warns about…
These people are the ones who are creating divisions among you.
Jude 1:19

1.) Apostates are ungodly (v. 4)
2.) They are morally perverted (v. 4)
3.) Apostates Deny Christ (v. 4)
4.) They defile the flesh (v.7& 8)
5.) Apostates are Rebellious (v. 8)
6.) Apostates Revile holy angels (v. 8)
7.) Essentially, Apostates are ignorant (v. 8)
8.) Apostates are continually having vain ideas (vs. 8-10)
9.) Apostasy leads to self-destruction (v. 10)
10.) Grumblers (v. 16)
11.) Fault finders (v. 16)
12.) Self-seeking (v. 16)
13.) Arrogant speakers (v. 16)
14.) Flatterers (v. 16)

15.) In a sense, apostates are mockers (v. 18)
16.) Cause division (v. 19)
17.) Worldly-minded
18.) Without the Spirit(v. 19)

Beloved, you may be reading this and say that you have seen some of these signs in your own life. That is both good and bad news. It is bad in that a propensity toward apostasy may exist but it is good in that the Holy Spirit is doing His work of convicting sin." Pulpit&Pen