Friday, January 27, 2017

The Night also is Thine

The night also is Thine.
  Psalm 74:16
"Yes, Lord,
Thou dost not abdicate Thy throne when the sun goeth down,
nor dost Thou leave the world all through these long wintry nights to be the prey of evil;
Thine eyes watch us as the stars,
and Thine arms surround us as the zodiac belts the sky.
The dews of kindly sleep and all the influences of the moon are in Thy hand,
and the alarms and solemnities of night are equally with Thee.
There are precious fruits put forth by the moon as well as by the sun:
may my Lord make me to be a favored partaker in them.
The night of affliction is as much under the arrangement and control of the Lord of Love as the bright summer days when all is bliss.
Jesus is in the tempest.
His love wraps the night
about itself as a mantle,
but to the eye of faith the sable robe is scarce a disguise. 
 Gloomy seasons of religious indifference and social sin are not exempted from the divine purpose. When the altars of truth are defiled, and the ways of God forsaken, the Lord's servants weep with bitter sorrow, but they may not despair, for the darkest eras are governed by the Lord, and shall come to their end at His bidding. What may seem defeat to us may be victory to Him."
Charles Spurgeon