Sunday, January 1, 2017

The Name of David

"The name of David is uniquely important in Scripture.
Except for the name of Jesus Christ Himself (of whom David is a type), no other name occurs nearly so often in the Bible.
In the New Testament—again, other than Jesus Christ—David’s name is both the first mentioned (Matthew 1:1) and the last mentioned (Revelation 22:16).
As the “sweet psalmist of Israel,” David was largely responsible for this longest book in the Bible.
David was not a perfect man. We remember his grievous sin....against Uriah the Hittite,....
...but his repentance was genuine, and he was graciously restored by God to fellowship and service. The Lord’s own testimony concerning him was this: I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after mine own heart, which shall fulfill all my will. Acts 13:22.
It is little wonder that so many loving parents over the many centuries—both Jews and Gentiles—have named their own sons David, for the very name means “beloved.” HMM