Saturday, January 21, 2017

SDA Issues - Reinder Bruinsma {Drunk with wine of Babylon & Egypt}

Bruinsma (like spectrum) Drunk with the wine of Babylon & Egypt
This is in RESPONSE to an interview about his new book (another to toss in the trash - literally) by retired Dutch pastor Reinder Bruinsma, who has been a leading voice among European SDA's who don't like the Biblical doctrines of the Church.

"1)I have had to rely mainly on the social media. Spectrum and Adventist Today have been very supportive, and the word about the book has spread widely.

In this book I want to address the large numbers of men and women who are "on the margins" of the church—many who have left the church but still have many—social and other—ties to their former spiritual home, and those who have serious doubts, especially with regard to some of the traditional Adventist views and who find that the church allows them less and less breathing space. And I
address the group that feels uneasy about the way the official church forces certain standpoints on its members (and its educational institutions).

Among these are the issue of 2) hermeneutics (how do we read the Bible?) and of a six-day literal creation week, 3) aspects of the sanctuary doctrine and 4) related issues, and the 5) discrimination of women and of people with a 6) "different" sexual orientation.....

From the feedback I receive, I must conclude that the book has so far not reached many people who are already at considerable distance from the church and that it also largely fails to reach the younger generation. Maybe someone else (younger than I am) must take up the challenge to deal with this topic in a way that will touch 7) the millennials....

I continue to believe that the great God, our Creator 8) (how he did this, I do not profess to know), has graciously decided that he wanted to communicate with us.

9) Adventists have, however, been unable to change their anti-popery tune after Ellen White put the anti-Catholic rhetoric in concrete in her book The Great Controversy. I have frequently suggested that we must learn to read her writings—including The Great Controversy—against the background of her times rather than as a recipe for our approach more than a century later." CVV

1) spectrum & adventist today? Not surprised.....
2) Isaiah tells us how to study Scripture- For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; Isaiah 28:10
3) We are told - Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.
Daniel 8:14...and we know the cleansing was on the day of Atonement, the Judgment.

4) By this he likely means the Investigative Judgment. Scripture is clear, there are 3 phases to it. Not sure why people who DESPISE the Biblical doctrines of the Church stay in it, other than to influence others to leave it....
5) By this he means women ordination....this topic has been discussed so much it should be done with...but when your heart prefers the ways of the world over the clear teaching of Scripture...well...
6) Scripture is crystal clear on the topic - Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, ... nor adulterers, nor effeminate, (homosexuals)  nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 1 Corinthians Paul shows that GOD puts ALL sexual immorality into the same category (and that INCLUDES homosexuality)..not sure how a minister is unable to read & understand Scripture that is BLUNT...
7) Ah, yes...hiding behind the "millennials", the youth....This has become a tactic by those in rebellion, using the youth as an excuse to toss out the doctrines of the Church...when in reality it is what is in their own OLD REBELLIOUS HEARTS...this seems to be becoming a very common tactic.
8) You are a retired pastor & you don't know how God created the world? (Bruinsma is sympathetic to evolutionary thinking and long age chronology). Let's explain to the pastor how God did it: For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: - For he spake, and it was doneExodus 20:11/Psalm 33:9
9) Dude, not sure who think the Little Horn/Beast power is then, but your swipe at E.G.W., dismissal of church soteriology as it relates to the Sanctuary, your hermeneutics (all from Babylon) your rebellion on creation and ordination & LGBT positions, (all from Egypt)...we'll leave it at that.
SUMMARY: -- drunk with the wine of Babylon & Egypt
But they also have erred through wine,
and through strong drink are out of the way;
the priest and the prophet have erred through strong drink,
they are swallowed up of wine,
they are out of the way through strong drink;
they err in vision, they stumble in judgment.
Isaiah 28:7