Saturday, January 14, 2017

SDA Issues - NAD "Called" Babylon... (so they came)

And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, Revelation 18:4

"....North American Division of Seventh-Day Adventists inviting and allowing Sunday-keeping ecumenicist, Becky Pippert, and Sunday pastor, teacher, and author, Dr. Tony Evans to present at a convention for Seventh-Day Adventist pastors and their families named “CALLED.” The well-attended meeting in Austin, Texas was held June 28—July 1, 2015. During this Conference, Pippert
spoke twice. Her presentation titles were: “Talking about Jesus without Sounding Religious” and “Reaching the Secular Mind.” HighTime
"Late evening events were then held where attendees could watch Seventh-day Adventist-produced films or take part in a “Shark Tank:” competition where pastors were given the opportunity to compete for prizes to further their evangelistic projects. Over the four days of the event, more than $120,000 will be given for evangelistic programs at the local church level.
The CALLED Ministerial Convention was planned and organized by the North American Division ministerial department under the guidance of ministerial director Ivan Williams and his associates. They spent the past 18 months choosing speakers, planning events, and developing resources that will provide spiritual refreshment, energy, and encouragement to the ministers, spouses and children attending the convention." AdventistReview

"Why then would any Seventh-Day Adventist, who has come out of the darkness of Babylon, go back in to invite pastors and teachers, who have rejected the very messages that have separated them, and allow those Babylonians to teach and train them? What confusion! By inviting these Sunday ministers, Seventh- Day Adventists are rejecting the Three Angels’ Messages; the second of which is to call people out from Babylon. But Seventh-Day Adventists are doing the opposite, calling people from Babylon to teach them." AndrewHenriques

"...we have no time to throw away in listening to fables. Our minds should not be thus diverted, but should be occupied with the present truth, and seeking wisdom that we may obtain a more thorough knowledge of our position,..." Early Writings p.124 E.G.W.