Thursday, January 5, 2017

Papal Notes - This Year Let's Not Francis

"Pope Francis observed the feast of “the Solemnity of Mary,
Mother of God” on New Year’s Day, urging followers to entrust the new year to Mary.”
Let us entrust the new year to Mary, Mother of God, so that peace and mercy may grow throughout the world,” he Tweeted on Sunday, generating over 33,000 likes and 11,000 shares.
The feast “coincides with the octave-day of Christmas” on the Roman Catholic liturgical calendar, and was initially the feast of the Circumcision of Christ until being replaced in 1974 by Pope John VI. The “mother of God” concept, however, can be traced back as early as the Council of Ephesus in 431.
This celebration, assigned to January 1 in conformity with the ancient liturgy of the city of Rome, is meant to commemorate the
part played by Mary in this mystery of salvation,” John XI wrote. “It is meant also to exalt the singular dignity which this mystery brings to the ‘holy mother … through whom we were found worthy … to receive the Author of life.'”
Let's NOT Francis...... but the dead know not any thing, Ecclesiastes 9:5