Sunday, January 8, 2017

MINISTRY OF HEALING: Audio & Pull Quotes- Chapter 15

 In the Sickroom


In cases of serious illness, *a little neglect, *a slight inattention to a patient's special needs or dangers, *the manifestation of fear, *excitement, *even a lack of sympathy, may turn the scale that is balancing life and death, and cause to go down to the grave a patient who otherwise might have recovered.

Those who care for the sick should give special attention to *diet, *cleanliness, *fresh air, and *exercise.
It is misdirected kindness, a false idea of courtesy, that leads to much visiting of the sick. Those who are very ill should not have visitors. The excitement connected with receiving callers wearies the patient at a time when he is in the greatest need of quiet, undisturbed rest.

Nurses should study the Bible daily,...They should be ever ready to blend spiritual healing with physical healing.

Fear thou not; for I am with thee:
Isaiah 41:10