Monday, January 30, 2017

MINISTRY OF HEALING: Audio & Pull Quotes- Chapter 37

The False and the True in Education  


Philosophical speculation and scientific research in which God is not acknowledged are making skeptics of thousands.

Skepticism is attractive to the human mind. The youth see in it an independence that captivates the imagination, and they are deceived. It is because the human heart is inclined to evil that it is so dangerous to sow the seeds of skepticism in young minds. And, to a great degree, theology, as studied and taught, is but a record of human speculation, serving only to "darken counsel by words without knowledge."

In order to obtain an education, many think it essential to study the writings of infidel authors, because these works contain many bright gems of thought. But who was the originator of these gems of thought? It was God, and God only. He is the source of all light. Why then should we wade through the mass of error contained in the works of infidels for the sake of a few intellectual truths, when all truth is at our command.

Works of romance, frivolous, exciting tales, are, in hardly less degree, a curse to the reader. The author may profess to teach a moral lesson, throughout his work he may interweave religious sentiments; but often these serve only to veil the folly and worthlessness beneath. As the mind dwells upon the scenes of impurity portrayed, passion is aroused, and the end is sin. The widespread use of such books at this time is one of the cunning devices of Satan. He is seeking to divert the minds of old and young from the great work of character building. He means that our children and youth shall be swept away by the soul-destroying deceptions with which he is filling the world.

In the colleges and universities thousands of youth devote a large part of the best years of life to the study of Greek and Latin. And while they are engaged in these studies, mind and character are molded by the evil sentiments of pagan literature,....Those who are conversant with the classics declare that "the Greek tragedies are full of incest, murder, and human sacrifices to lustful and revengeful gods." Far better would it be for the world were the education gained from such sources to be dispensed with. Can one go upon hot coals, and his feet not be burned? Proverbs 6:28