Friday, January 20, 2017

MINISTRY OF HEALING: Audio & Pull Quotes- Chapter 27

 Liquor Traffic and Prohibition  


We are all woven together in the web of humanity.
The evil that befalls any part of the great human brotherhood brings peril to all.

Houses of prostitution, dens of vice, criminal courts, prisons, almshouses, insane asylums, hospitals, all are, to a great degree, filled as a result of the liquor seller's work. Like the mystic Babylon of the Apocalypse, he is dealing in "slaves, and souls of men."
Millions upon millions of dollars are spent in buying *wretchedness, *poverty, *disease, *degradation, *lust, *crime, and *death. For the sake of gain, the liquor seller deals out to his victims that which corrupts and destroys mind and body.

The licensing of the liquor traffic is advocated by many as tending to restrict the drink evil. But the licensing of the traffic places it under the protection of law. The government sanctions its existence, and thus fosters the evil which it professes to restrict.

Thine eyes and thine heart are not but for thy covetousness, and for to shed innocent blood, and for oppression, and for violence, to do it. Jeremiah 22:17