Friday, January 6, 2017

Creation Moment 1/7/2017 - Red Shift "Shifting" in view

"Even as it was being announced that the big bang theory was proven, verification was being made on other results showing that the big bang theory is probably wrong. William G. Tifft of the
University of Arizona had been looking at lists of red shifts from distant galaxies. On a graph, he plotted the red shifts corrected for the effects of the Earth's motion. If the red shifts from these objects are the result of their speeding away from Earth, their red shifts should be evenly spread over the known range of shifts. Tifft found that they're not. The red shifts are clumped into patterns. The intervals are about 72 kilometers per second, with some half that value and some one-third of that value. Astronomers from the Royal Observatory in Edinburgh verified his results.
A second study by Tifft has shown that galaxy red shifts measured from Earth have changed in just a few years! This change is completely unexpected by proponents of the big bang theory. The change is large enough that Tifft expects to be able to test the rate at which these changes take place within only a few years! One suggestion is that red shifts may be some sort of decay phenomenon rather than expansion of the universe." CrMm

                    For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,' says the LORD.
Isaiah 55:8