Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Creation Moment 1/4/2017 - "kind"

And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind,
Genesis 1:24
"....kinds of dogs as an example that animals are in distinct groups,
such as dogs cats or bears, but that there is no overlapping between groups. Each group has a lot of varieties that are able to mate and produce fertile offspring: the definition of the term species.
Dogs, wolves and coyotes are all the same kind of animal. There is no evidence in living things, or in the fossil record, that any basic kind of animal changed into any other basic kind of animal. Each basic kind of animal must have been created.
Now, the term species is giving to every small various within a type of animal. Why? Because there is not enough evidence to prove evolution (because it is not true).
Dogs only make dogs, bears only make bears, cats only make cats. There is no cross-breeding between cats and dogs, or between dogs and bears, or between bears and cats." X-Evolutionist