Monday, January 2, 2017

Creation Moment 1/3/2017 - FRAUDS

There would not be Evolution Frauds if there was Evidence
"If Evolution has Proof, Why Make Fraudulent Proof?
In 1859, in his book Origin of the Species, Charles Darwin said:
Why, if species have descended from other species by insensibly fine gradations, do we not everywhere see innumerable transitional forms.
This is from chapter six entitled Difficulties on the Theory. Scientists who believe evolution have been searching for transitional forms ever since but they have been not found. Therefore, fraudulent fossils have been made and presented as transitional forms.

The Archaeoraptor

National Geographic is the magazine of the National Geographic Society a scientific and educational institution according to their website. A fossil for a new find named Archaeoraptor was promoted in the National Geographic magazine as the missing link between dinosaur and birds. National Geographic later had to print a correction after further research revealed they had been fooled by the fraudulent fossil. Parts of two fossils, a dinosaur and a bird, had been glued together.

Piltdown Man

Piltdown Man was promoted as the missing link between ape and man. Piltdown Man was identified by a fossil skull. Piltdown Man was in science books and taught to children in school for almost 40 years before the skull was examined to see if it was authentic. When it was finally examined it was determined that the top of a human skull had been attached to the jaw of an orangutan. The phony fossil had been stained and painted to make it look old.

The Peppered Moth

This is something that I was taught in science classes many times over the years.  And now comes the revelation that Kettlewell’s compelling argument has not been verified by other investigators (Nature, vol. 396, November 5, 1998, pp. 35,36). Furthermore, we now know that neither dark nor light moths ever spend their days on exposed tree trunks or rocks as depicted in the famous textbook pictures. His original associates have even admitted that the photographs were faked, that the moths were glued onto the tree. Even if this was a true study, all it would prove is that there was light and dark moths and then light and dark moths after the industrial revolution. Nothing evolved at all." X-E

Nebraska man

 "...the evidence suggests that Osborn deliberately overstated the find because the theory of evolution was centre stage in a struggle for control of education policy in America. It is true that in the end, the Nebraska man find was not central to the Scopes Trial, but it was used as an effective tool to undermine Bryan, the well-known opponent of evolution and prosecution lawyer at the trial, and it proved useful in the campaign to promote evolution. CMI
For without are dogs, and sorcerers,... and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.
Revelation 22:15