Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Creation Moment 1/18/2017 - Red Blood Cells pose Question for Evolutionist

"Do we live on an earth that is 4.6 billion years old or only thousands of years old? The age of our planet is a significant stumbling block for many Christians and keeps countless others from even considering the scriptural message—specifically, the gospel. Indeed, an old earth means death isn’t really the wages of sin (For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23) since violence, pain, and death would have had to reign in the world millions of years before sin made its first appearance. If that were the case, then God, not Adam, would be directly responsible for this cruel regime of endless suffering.

But Scripture is silent regarding the millions and billions of years demanded by the secular scientific community.
 ....recently, red blood cells were extracted from the famous Iceman, a man preserved in an alpine glacier in Italy who was discovered in 1991. Although his death was dated at about 5,300 years ago, researchers were successful in obtaining samples of his cells, making this the oldest known sampling of such tissue. This raises an interesting question for the evolutionist: Were there not possible red blood cells also found in dinosaur soft tissue that appear just as red and intact as the famous Iceman’s? The problem is that evolutionary theory states dinosaurs supposedly lived many millions of years earlier than humans, but the physical, undecayed evidence brings them dangerously close together time-wise.
Soft tissue and organic (carbon-based) remains found deep in the layers of the geologic column do not bode well for evolutionists who insist they were laid down over the span of a half-billion years. Such a long time means innumerable biological processes as well as meteorological and geological events would affect every square inch of this planet’s surface several times over and deep underground. Does the evolutionist really believe fossils containing soft tissue can survive many millions of years of bacteria, worms, arthropods, volcanoes, tsunamis, weather’s constant drenching, drying, freezing and thawing, and even earthquakes? Periods of extended sunlight and pH variation must also be considered." ICR