Monday, January 9, 2017

Creation Moment 1/10/2017 - World War 1

Enter not into the path of the wicked,
and go not in the way of evil men.
Proverbs 4:14
"World War I.....Historians delving into the origins of the war will undoubtedly -- and correctly -- note the importance of the alliance structures, the buildup of armaments, Germany's fear of
encirclement, and the ill-fated German military plan that left Germany few viable military options once it faced a two-front war.
Some historians mention the influence of social Darwinism on the European elites and decision-makers, but this is a story not as well known to the general public. It is told in a short documentary newly released by Discovery Institute, The Biology of the Second Reich: Social Darwinism and the Origins of World War I.

Interestingly, in the years during and immediately after World War I, some American and British intellectuals expressed concern that Darwinism was a key motivation behind German militarism. Stanford biologist Vernon Kellogg, who spoke with German officers, including a leading biologist, expressed this concern, despite his own commitment to Darwinian theory. William Roscoe Thayer, in his presidential address to the American Historical Association in 1918, stated:
I do not believe that the atrocious war into which the Germans plunged Europe in August, 1914, and which has subsequently involved all lands and all peoples, would ever have been fought, or a least would have attained its actual gigantic proportions, had the Germans not been made mad by the theory of the survival of the fittest.

 During World War I and immediately thereafter, many leading thinkers, including the most famous Darwinian biologist in Germany, Ernst Haeckel, interpreted the First World War as an episode in the inescapable human struggle for existence. This social Darwinist discourse during and after the war powerfully influenced German society, including Corporal Adolf Hitler.

Hitler was completely in the thrall of biological evolution, and he thought his war would promote evolutionary progress." EN&V