Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The "TEST" of Today

...choose you this day whom ye will serve;...So then, there remains a sabbath rest for the people of God;
Joshua 24:15/Hebrews 4:9 RSV
"God has given full directions regarding his law,
*so that none need be left in darkness,
*unless they choose darkness rather than light.

But the apostasy of the Jewish nation represents the apostasy that will be made by the world in the last days. Just as the Jews chose darkness in regard to the message that Christ came to the world to
bring, so men today are choosing darkness.

Sanctified and blessed by God, the Sabbath was designed to be the great memorial of creation, and a blessing to mankind. But men are trampling it underfoot.

It is the test of today, as Christ was the test when he was in our world in human form. It will ever stand unmoved, a rock of offense to the Christian world, as was Christ to the Jewish nation. As the rejection of Christ decided the eternal destiny of the Jews, so the rejection of God's holy memorial will decide the fate of many professing Christians."
Review & Herald 12/20/1898 E.G.W.