Friday, December 9, 2016

The Golden Girdle of our Enthroned Melchisedek

Girt about the paps with a golden girdle.
  Revelation 1:13
"One like unto the Son of Man" appeared to John in Patmos, and the beloved disciple marked that He wore a girdle of gold.
Jesus is never an idler; His garments are never loose as though His offices were ended; He diligently carries on the cause of His people.
A golden girdle,
* to manifest the superiority of His service,
* the royalty of His person,
* the dignity of His state,
* the glory of His reward.
No longer does He cry out of the dust, but He pleads with authority, a King as well as a Priest. Safe
enough is our cause in the hands of our enthroned Melchisedek.
Our Lord presents all His people with an example. We must never unbind our girdles.
We need to bind the girdle of truth more and more tightly around our loins.
It is a golden girdle, and so will be our richest ornament, and we greatly need it,....
It is in vain that we possess the Scriptures unless we bind them around us like a girdle, surrounding our entire nature, keeping each part of our character in order, and giving compactness to our whole man. If in heaven Jesus unbinds not the girdle, much less may we upon earth. Stand, therefore, having your loins girt about with truth."
 Charles Spurgeon