Tuesday, December 20, 2016

SCAM ALERT - Kevin Zadai


Recently on the "Christian" Mystic Sid Roth's program, Kevin Zadai claims that during surgery he found himself on the other side of the veil watching the doctor trying to revive his lifeless body. He claims Jesus appeared to him in the operating room and revealed that every person who knows the Lord has a "God Package" inside of them...

He says he transformed into his "Resurrection Body". He also claimed in an airplane people would weep as he passed them because he had a presence about him....Uhmmm.....did Sid Roth do any investigative journalism to verify the claims?
He claims while on the operating table Jesus showed him that he (Kevin) had a "word vest" on of all the words people spoke against him.
Another claim is that Jesus encouraged him to speak in tongues.
Also, he claims angels have briefing books.....
Of course they were hawking his book series and a guide to participating in the supernatural as well as a music CD....all which he claims came to him by praying in tongues for 5 days then interpreting it....and he will teach you how to be visited by Jesus and angels....
In their greed they will make up clever lies to get hold of your money
But God condemned them long ago,....

2 Peter 2:3