Friday, December 16, 2016

Papal Notes - Papal Politicization of "Christmas" story

 ....the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word:
Matthew 2:13
I must have missed that part of Scripture where Mary & Joseph were Muslims fleeing a Muslim multi-way civil war......ya really think Francis should be using Jospeh & Mary to inject into political debates to build a false narrative to advance a leftist agenda?

"As Pope Francis officially opened this year’s Christmas Nativity
scene in St. Peter’s Square, he said Jesus was a “migrant” who reminds us of the plight of today’s refugees.
Francis told donors who contributed both the Nativity set and an 82-foot tree that the story of Jesus’ birth echoes the “tragic reality of migrants on
boats making their way toward Italy” from the Middle East and Africa today." RNS

"The pope is equating Mary and Joseph to Syrian and Islamic Jihad refugees, and trying to say that we in the United States better be careful because we might be rejecting the next Mary and Joseph. They've tried this before. Mary and Joseph used to be representatives of the homeless. Now they are representatives of illegal immigrants and weaponized jihadists." RUSH