Thursday, December 1, 2016

Papal Notes - Hollywood Bends the Knee to the Papacy

"Oscar-winning director Martin Scorsese is getting Vatican-style red carpet treatment, meeting Wednesday with Pope Francis after screening his new film, Silence, in Rome.
The film is about two Jesuit missionaries who search for their mentor in 17th-century Japan, when Christians were persecuted. The plot is likely of interest to Francis, who as a young man joined the Jesuit order in hopes of becoming a missionary in Japan.
The film was being screened Tuesday for Jesuit priests at a
pontifical university.
The Vatican said Francis would receive Scorsese in the Apostolic Palace before his general audience.
Scorses’s most spiritual and controversial film was 1988’s The Last Temptation of Christ, an adaptation of Nikos Kazantzakis’s novel, which
emphasized Christ’s humanity and emotional pain rather than his physical suffering." CRUX

....and all the world wondered after the beast.
Revelation 13:3