Wednesday, December 7, 2016

The "Really" File - ("Santa vs. Jesus"?)

Because the carnal mind is enmity against God:
Romans 8:7

"A Christmas board game that pits Jesus against Santa is receiving criticism for being offensive and
even blasphemous.
According to, the board game, called Santa vs. Jesus” began as a Kickstarter campaign.
Some Christians believe that the game is blasphemous because it trivializes Jesus.
Danny Webster, a spokesman for the Evangelical Alliance, said that the game is problematic because it presents both Jesus and Santa as “fictional characters.”
"With over four out of 10 people in the U.K. mistakenly thinking that Jesus was not a real historical person, this game won't help correct that," Webster stated.
From The "Really" File

While playing the game, participants are split up into two teams-team Santa or team Jesus. They then try to get the most “believers.”
Despite the criticism the game has received, one of its creators, Julian Miller, said that its sales "are exceeding all expectations and we've had to rush through another order with our manufacturer to keep up with the demand." CH