Friday, December 2, 2016

IN the NEWS - Dispensationalists Getting Excited about a "Psalm 83 War"

The Dispensationalists (Secret Rapture crowd) are getting a little excited about the so-called Psalm 83 War, which they believe the Secret Rapture will occur before it.
1) There is NO pre-trib Secret Rapture.
2) Psalm 83 is NOT about modern, literal Israel.
3) "Israel" in symbolic prophetic terms represents God's people today. (And yes, we believe in so-called "Replacement Theology" which is the correct interpretation of Israel in prophecy).
Below is the article by Geoffrey Grider from Now The End Begins the Dispensationals get really excited about False Prophecy. Are we about to enter a time when a massive prophetic deception will deceive the masses?

"One of Donald Trump’s main campaign promises is that he would move the U.S. Embassy from its currents location in Tel Aviv, Israel, to the Old City Israeli capital of Jerusalem.
Now that you know that, can you see why there is coming such a fierce battle over Jerusalem?
Because Jerusalem is God’s Holy Place, the Bible calls it the “city of the great King”. Why? Because it will be to Jerusalem that Jesus will return to as King of Kings and will rule with a “rod of iron” over the nations. That’s why. The coming battles that will take place there will be fought through humans, but it is actually a battle between God and the Devil. So now let’s take a look at Psalm 83, there is a war mentioned there connected with the time of Jacob’s trouble.
When Donald Trump moves the Embassy to Jerusalem, thus declaring that the United States recognizes it as Israel’s capital, the entire Arab world will go crazy. We believe it is not only possible but probable that this will trigger, at some point, the Psalm 83 War. But if we are that close to that, we are even this much closer to this:
If we are really this close to the time of Jacob’s trouble and the Psalm 83 War, then we are really, really close to the time of the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church. A sobering thought, isn’t it? Donald Trump’s miracle win was really just that – a miracle. But it was a miracle with a purpose, to accomplish God’s will and plan in these end times.
The two-time White House hopeful, former Fox New Channel weekend host and former governor of Arkansas (Mike Huckabee) will be America’s next ambassador to Israel, a presidential transition official confirmed to on Friday. He is scheduled to meet with President-Elect Donald Trump Friday at 2:00 p.m."

When it comes to these Dispsensational FALSE PROPHECIES....

O my God, make them like a wheel;
as the stubble before the wind.
Psalm 83:13