Friday, December 30, 2016

Creation Moment 12/31/2016 - Pluto & Charon whom also he made the worlds;
Hebrews 1:2
"Ever since the July 2015 flyby of Pluto by the New Horizons spacecraft (7/15/16), planetary scientists have struggled to understand the surprising, unexpected features on the dwarf planet. The final bits of data were received at earth in October 2016. Nature published a series of new papers in November, providing popular media reporters with opportunities to invent eye-catching headlines:
  • Pluto could harbor a subterranean icy ocean (Fox News).
  • The Ocean Beneath Pluto’s Wandering Heart (Astrobiology Magazine).
  • Pluto may sport clouds of poisonous acid and flammable gases (New Scientist).
  • Pluto may have tipped over when Charon tugged at its heart (New Scientist).
  • Pluto’s Wandering Heart Hints at Subsurface Ocean (
  • Pluto ‘has slushy ocean’ below surface (BBC News).
  • Could there be life in Pluto’s ocean? ( There’s one in every crowd: a hydrobioscopy imagineer.
  • Pluto’s ‘heart’ may be cold as ice, but it’s in the right place, according to research (
  • Cracked, frozen and tipped over: New clues from Pluto’s past (Science Daily).
  • New analysis adds support for a subsurface ocean on Pluto (Science Daily).
The subtitle of that last headline indicates Pluto may not be alone: Findings suggest other large objects in the Kuiper belt may also have liquid oceans beneath frozen shells.” This was not supposed to be. The bodies at the farthest reaches from the sun were supposed to be the oldest, coldest and deadest. What is this talk about liquid oceans, dynamic atmospheres and tip-overs?" CEH