Tuesday, November 15, 2016

SDA News - Carson turns down positions

"According to a report Tuesday morning by Politico, Dr. Ben Carson has turned down the
opportunity to serve in President-elect Donald Trump's new administration.
The report, which quotes longtime confidant of the retired neurosurgeon, Armstrong Williams, Carson more or less had the pick of any position he wanted in the Trump administration. After running himself for the 2016 Republican nomination and dropping out of the race, he became an enthusiastic supporter of Trump.
"He has no interest in a cabinet position, or any position in the administration," Williams told Politico. "It's not an issue of him turning down anything. It was clear that he had his pick of what he wanted to do."
Carson has been frequently mentioned as a possible Health and Human Services or Education secretary. But Williams told Politico the retired neurosurgeon believes he can better serve the president-elect as an outside adviser, given his lack of government experience." Charisma
And the king said unto the man of God,
Come home with me, and refresh thyself,
and I will give thee a reward.
1 Kings 13:7