Saturday, November 26, 2016

SDA Issues - Terry Rice Controversy / Heresy

* Below is from the rebellious RAG known as Spectrum magazine, a story about a man seeking ordination in the SDA Church who has come out as gay....OF COURSE HE SHOULD NOT BE ORDAINED.....WHY IS THIS EVEN OPEN FOR DEBATE WITHIN THE CHURCH? Please read
 1 Corinthians 5 and replace it with any sexual immorality, and you will know what PAUL would say...

"Terry Rice, hospice chaplain in Walla Walla, Washington, finds his career on hold because the Adventist church has so far refused to acknowledge his calling through ordination.

I understand that the North American Division refuses to permit Adventist Chaplaincy
Ministries to endorse you because you are gay. What have you been told about that decision and the reasons behind it?  
Last August, I went to support my chaplain colleague Jaci Cress who was being ordained (commissioned) at an Adventist hospital in town. The North American Division team performing the service took me aside. I was told that my “endorsement is in process.” When I asked for how long, the answer was “indefinitely” and that I “had no choice but to wait.”

Would you consider leaving the church? Or your job? What are your plans? Why do you stay?  
We all are making choices. The church is making a choice to not do anything and stay silent. And this means “Go away." ....I love my church, but I love my Lord more. I love what He calls me to do more. If this means leaving my church to do His will, I will do it.

What is there about the Adventist church that makes you feel hopeful?
I know of many Adventist pastors who tell me privately that my orientation is a beautiful expression of God’s diverse creation. It starts with humbly learning God’s love and realizing “sola scriptura” doesn’t mean “sola hermeneutics.” 
We Adventists also have an imperfect social justice history that has eventually sided in favor of inclusion. Our expression of Christianity is different enough for many progressives to remain in the church to some degree. Also, millennials teach us that sometimes we need not leave one tribe for another." spectrumRAG
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked:
Jeremiah 17:9