Saturday, November 19, 2016

IN the NEWS - "Prophetic" Deception Coming?

 ....if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
Matthew 24:24
"According to reports out of Israel, the Nascent Sanhedrin—a group of rabbis attempting to restore biblical governance to their nation—has sent letters to Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, urging them to "join forces and fulfill their biblically mandated roles
by rebuilding the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem."

T]he election of Trump, who has promised to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, coupled with Putin's expressed desire for the Temple to be rebuilt, prompted the Jewish court to send a letter offering the two the opportunity to act as modern-day Cyrus figures: non-Jewish kings who recognize the importance of Israel and the Temple ...

The letters were first reported by BreakingIsraelNews, which quotes Rabbi Prof. Hillel Weiss, a professor of Hebrew literature who is a member of the Sanhedrin's Communications Committee.
According to the report, the Sanhedrin have reminded Putin of his 2012 visit to the Western Wall, where he prayed and read from from a Russian-Hebrew book of Psalms. He reportedly told an observer he prayed for the the Temple to be rebuilt." Charisma

1) The Dispensational Pre-millennials, ("Secret Rapture" crowd) are pushing Trump & Putin to rebuild the Jerusalem Temple-Literally, which they believe (erroneously) is part of Biblical Prophecy for the End Times.
2) But what IF a Trump/Putin Alliance moved to do that? It would only help to deceive people into the spiritual "Babylonian" religious would be the spiritually "blind leading the blind".
3) As for the role of "Cyrus"-he was a type for Christ, who will return from the east to take spiritual Babylon down in the End....NOT a Trump/Putin Alliance in modern Israel.
4) And as for the part about recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel...nothing wrong with that... but it has nothing to do with Prophecy, despite the Dispensational Pre-millennials...
Prophetic Deception Coming?...Maybe/Maybe Not.....we'll have to wait & see