Monday, November 7, 2016

IN the NEWS - Definition of Christian Music Controversy

"Recently, LifeWay Christian Stores made the decision not to sell Amy Grant’s new Christmas album. Terry Mattingly of argues that there are deeper issues behind this decision.
As previously reported, Grant’s manager claimed that LifeWay refused to sell Grant’s album because it was not “Christian enough,” despite the fact that it included two Christmas hymns, “Joy to the World” and “O Come, All Ye Faithful.”

Mattingly, however, believes that the LifeWay decision highlights deeper questions for Christians; namely, how can one define Christian music, and is there even such a thing?

Some believe Christian music is only hymns, some believe Christian music is difficult to define but does not include rock ‘n’ roll, some believe Christian music is music that includes an obvious evangelistic message, some believe Christian music must “include words that are overtly religious,”
some believe Christian music is any music made by an artist who identifies as a Christian, and some believe Christian music is really a misnomer and that there is no sacred and secular divide.
In Grant’s case, LifeWay seems to believe that Christian music must contain a certain number of Christian words or must be obviously religiously-themed.
The case is further complicated because Grant is a “crossover” artist--an artist who began her career in the Christian music industry, but later entered the secular market.

Grant herself also responded to the LifeWay controversy, stating, according to The Gospel Herald, "We respectfully accept Lifeway's decision that my new Christmas album didn't meet their criteria." BCH

Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.
Matthew 1:23